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65세 이상 몬트리올 거주자 7월부터 대중교통 사용시 무료

김진식2023.04.19 15:27조회 수 348댓글 0

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오는 7월 ㅣ일부로  65세 이상 몬트리올 거주자는 무료로 대중교통을 사용할 수 있습니다. 



다음 기사를 참고하세요. 



Montrealers 65 and up can ride public transit for free starting in July.   


ontreal residents 65 and up will soon be getting a huge discount on public transportation fares

— it'll be free starting in July.

"Seniors have helped build Montreal. Their contribution is still immense today,"

said Mayor Valérie Plante on Twitter Wednesday.

"With free public transit, seniors can continue to participate fully in life in society

and they have more money in their pockets. A great way to combat inflation!"

The free service covers all of Zone A, which is the entire agglomeration.

This means those 65 and up can ride buses, paratransit, commuter trains and the Metro on the island

with a photo OPUS card that is good for up to two years (depending on the card's expiration date).

 The free service includes the Société de transport de Montréal (STM), Exo trains and the soon-to-open Réseau express métropolitain (REM).

The new fare, which will become valid on July 1, is aimed at encouraging those 65 and up to not move out of the city, said Plante in a news release. It will also help break their isolation and make it easier for them to get around while improving their quality of life and their transportation, she said.

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